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Jeff Pennings, DO

June 29, 2020

Dr. Pennings is originally from Goshen, New York and is a graduate of Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine in North Carolina. He completed his residency through Full Circle Health’s Boise Program. Dr. Pennings’s interest in Family Medicine started as a child seeing his dad practice as a Family Physician. This interest only grew while he was in medical school serving as the student member on the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians board of directors during his second year and third year of school. It was during this time with the NCAFP that he solidified his commitment to practicing Family Medicine. Outside of medicine, he and his wife enjoy hiking with their pups Fritz and Henley, eating at all the delicious restaurants and breweries in Boise, and exploring Idaho.

Medical School:
Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine

Family Medicine Residency – Boise, ID
Family Medicine
Practice Interests:
Comprehensive health care for the entire family.
Practice Location: